Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Approaching Deadline, The Broken Internet

First of all, Happy New Year everybody! Wish all of us a lucky 2007, and some admission letters^_^

Last week, because of an earthquake in Taiwan, the optic cables connecting Asia Pacific to US were broken. Therefore a lot of applicants in AP region had problems accessing the school websites and the online application systems. This morning, MIT has sent out an email reminder of a postponed deadline of Jan 26 for applicants in AP. That is a truly great news! MIT is the first to postpone their deadline for the network problem. Hopefully other schools would consider this too. On the other hand, according to the news this morning, network is back 80%, and it is proved by that I can open UCLA's online application and Stanford's website now, just very slowly. Considering Jan 3 is UCLA's deadline, (and no sign of postponing), Anderson's applicant should be grateful to the people trying to rescue those cables on the sea now.

1 comment:

asiangal said...

Being from the Asia Pacific Region I was also panicking about the prospect of having to drive out to a 24-hour Internet cafe if my connection at home didn't work out for submission of my applications this week. Thankfully my (2, so far) applications went though. =)