Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why I made the decision of ...

studying Computer Science 6 years ago?

While i was thinking about that, I remembered some funny thoughts i had at that time. Of coz i didn't think they're funny by then, i actually believed them for once... But comparing them to what i am now make them funny.

1) I thought Programmers can work from home. On the contrary, now I have to commute for 2 hrs in the crowded traffic between office and home everyday... i never get to work at home, but i get a lot of chance to travel and work away from home...

2) I thought I could write some programs and sell them for big money. While in reality, I haven't written more than 10 lines of code after graduation, nor have i made any big money so far... So i still couldn't prove this thought wrong...

3) I thought Programmers don't have to deal with other people, and working just with computer is a lot easier. I might be quite right in the first point, coz working with people ain't an easy thing... But one bad experience with XXX (one software product of my company) made me think that working with computer ain't an easy thing either. It got its own temper u know...

Now I'm clear why I made that decision, huh...


Iday said...

Sounds pretty much like me :)

Juggler said...


At least you have some reasons!

Hobbes said...

ha ha!!! U atleast had some reasons to get into programming, unlike me who got into it "by default" :)

BOL with ur apps!

Inblue said...

ha ha. Nice ! i just have reason 2. I hate programming. i like people.