Saturday, September 09, 2006

parents left...

This past week is pretty messy... My parents finally decided to move to Sydney, and thru the whole week they're packing stuffs... So I had to help them with laptop setup, find them an apt, and something else. And finally, they really took off last night.

I thought I'm gonna be okay alone, but it's not until they really left that I realize how lucky I have been thru all the time. I always have them to watch my back, now I just feel insecure... Couldn't stand the quietness at home, so I headed out to have a drink w/ a friend. I guess part of me is worried about them, and the problems they're gonna face trying to settle down in Syd. But I also admire their courage to make that decision as they're moving to a country without even knowing the language. Another part of me is afraid that I might not be able to handle the business they left here. There are so many things I need to take care now:(

But anyway, good luck to Ma and Ba. I'll try to be a tough gal here.


Iday said...

Being alone is part good and part bad. As u said, u feel insecure. But this gives u a lot of time for urself. Once u settle into a routine, things will fall into place :)

-tvu said...

Time to grow up and welcome to being an adult. It's lonely, tough, but very exciting and bigger adventure!

Hobbes said...

I know exactly what u r gng thro. I felt pretty much the same when I moved to this new city, where I am now, three yrs ago with no family support and a whole lot of cra* happ in the first 3 months itself. and gng thro that exp made me much tougher. Today whateva comes my way, I know I can deal with it.

Hang in there, u will settle in nicely. no worries :)

Hobbes said...

Hats off to ur parents, for making this move w/o even knowing the language! WOW!