Updates since last post: I've left my work, and begun my long summer vacation. Everything is great, sleeping to noon, cook stuff for myself, play station & some korean tv series to kill time. Except for one thing: I haven't got my I-20 yet considering my visa appointment is only two weeks away...
I only found out last week that my English test score report never reached Anderson... and they only let me know by then...-.-b Then when I went to resend the report, the staff gave me "It needs to go thru a process so we can only send out next Thur" which is May 17th. And guess what, the score report is the reason why the UCLA graduate school hasn't let me fill out that intention to enroll form online and they wouldn't even process my I-20 without me filling it first!!! So far I still haven't got access to that form and thus, the date for me to receive my I-20 is still unknown... I will have to postpone my visa appointment to an unknown date in the future, and the same for my ticket to Sydney...:S I got really bad luck with score reports this year, what can I say...